
Electric Sheep

The amazingly trippy and complex fractal screensaver Electric Sheep constantly changes and can be viewed for days on end without repetition. Download it from here.


Kevin Smith's Clerks

Clerks is a low-budget independent film released in 1994. It's the first film directed by Kevin Smith, who appears in the movie himself as Silent Bob. With hilarious conversations, everyday musings of minimum wage employees, and general shenanigans, it takes you on a ride that you won't soon forget. Now a cult classic, Clerks embraces the beauty in the detail of day to day life.


Regarding Legality

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
- Terence McKenna


You Are the Universe Experiencing Itself

The universe is infinitely expanding. Already it includes black holes, galaxies, stars, planets, and even life. Without life, nothing would have the ability to perceive, or in other words, nothing would exist to acknowledge the existence of the universe. There would be no reality.  What if perception and sentience are simply the next frontier of universal expansion. The accumulation of knowledge, thought, and experience becomes part of existence... infinitely expanding.

KravinGlass Pipes

Simply amazing work. Visit kravinglass.com.



Joel Zimmerman is a big producer on the EDM scene. Although he is known for headlining raves with his upbeat electro-house and trance, he has created a few masterpieces ideal for the ears of the psychedelic explorer.

To listen to more of his music, look here.



Lysergic acid diethylamide, or acid, is a psychedelic drug discovered by Albert Hofmann in 1938. It was initially marketed as Delysid, a drug intended to treat psychiatric patients. But, as the counter culture discovered the experience, support for recreational use increased. The US government saw open-minded and free-thinking individuals as a threat to the stability of society and therefore made LSD highly illegal to possess in 1970.

Blotter Paper
Before William Pickard was busted by the DEA, he was producing multiple kilograms of pure crystalline LSD per week, and there was an abundance of it on the market. Nowadays a large percentage of supposed "acid" is simply a DOx research chemical sprayed on blotter paper, but the real thing IS still out there.

Acid's immense potency is astounding: only a few hundred micro-grams need be ingested to produce intense effects. LSD affects the way the receptors in your brain process thought, sensation, and emotion, often leading to a blend of the senses and the imagination. There are nearly no physical side effects, however chronic users have reported "flashbacks" even years after the original dose. There is little to no evidence to support claims that acid actually stays in the human body more than a few hours after ingestion.

The effects include euphoria, a feeling of universal-togetherness, intense streams of thought, and visual hallucinations including infinitely complex pulsing textures and melting colors.  An LSD trip is like being reborn, allowing you to gain new perspectives on existence and consciousness.

For more information look here.


Do Not Worship the Idea of Understanding the Universe

Kite 22 is a Houston, Texas based artist. Check out more of his work here.

Richard Linklater's Slacker

Slacker is an independent film shot in and around Austin, Texas in 1991. Richard Linklater's first work, it is a must-see for all psychedelic explorers. Many contemporary film-makers accredit this movie as their inspiration.

By employing unique cinematography, Slacker follows various deviant characters through seemingly normal situations in their everyday lives. However, when close attention is paid, awe-inspiring detail reveals lessons about human nature, consciousness, and life itself.

Watch it here.


In Celebration

Cannabis is a plant native to Central Asia that has been utilized for its psychoactive effects for nearly 3000 years. It has been illegal for less than 1% of human history. 

For more information regarding the laws against cannabis, visit NORML.org.


RIP Nujabes

Nujabes was a Japanese artist & producer who tragically passed away in a car accident early 2010. Fortunately, his beautiful music continues to touch lives.

To enjoy more of his work, explore his SoundCloud.


Fungus containing psilocybin is a great starting point for those brave enough to explore their own mind. "Magic Mushrooms," as they are commonly referred to, are all natural and quite common throughout the United States and other parts of the world.

Copelandia cyanescens
Copelandia cyanescens
Mushrooms are extraordinarily safe as long as the correct species is consumed. The only physical side effects include nausea and dilated pupils. No one has ever died from taking psilocybin mushrooms, however those predisposed to mental illness may have a negative reaction.

When it comes to obtaining them, there are three choices:
  • Purchase them from a trusted source
  • If they grow naturally in your area, pick them  ( for help with locating fields and identification, look here )
  • Grow them yourself  ( this video series is very helpful )

The experience itself is almost indescribable. Imagine yourself free of all bias, ego, and worry. Any visible pattern will stimulate your brain to create complex and fluid geometrical fractals. A mushroom trip allows everything to be beautifully new and easy to understand. Many say the first psychedelic journey is life changing.

More info can be found here

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin
